how to generate leads online
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  • @jasonoudotcom

How To Generate Leads For Network Marketing – 5 Effective Ways

There has never been a better time to start a home business online than today.  With the power of the internet, especially with social marketing, generating both free and paid leads for network marketing or any kind of business has been made simpler and more convenient.

Working from home has never looked more appealing.

  • Gone are the days where you need to set up a brick and mortar business.
  • Gone are the days where you need to scour the malls for strangers to talk to.
  • Gone are the days where you need to have one on one presentations.

The internet has more or less reduced the need for it. Especially with the last 2 points above.

You see …

For entrepreneurs, dad-preneurs and mom-preneurs, social marketing has presented a fantastic opportunity to generate more prospects online for your home business.

But a lot of people go about it the wrong way.

Too many social marketers make the mistake thinking to generate more leads, they have to go for the “shotgun” approach.

They think the more people they can reach, the more ‘potential’ customers they’ll get.

And they go all in by blatantly pitching the business to everyone and anyone on their newsfeed.

Which puts off a whole bunch of people.

And wind up killing the business.

The point here is …

Untargeted marketing is a lot of work.

Instead you should focus on getting your message in front of the right people.

The people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

And that’s your laser targeted audience.

To do this, you need to understand your prospect’s problems and frustrations.

Their pain points.

Say, whenever you apply pressure to your knees, you feel pain. It’s really annoying.

And you’re looking for relief.

You go to your doctor to fix this painful problem. Right?

It’s the same concept when it comes to lead generation.

You understand the pain point and position yourself as the person who can provide a solution to their struggles.

When you have a clear understanding, your message will come out clearer and will really resonate with your ideal prospect.

Which leads me to …

how do you generate leads for your network marketing business?

FREE Guide


Here are 5 effective ways to generate leads for your business with VALUE

1. Create a website.

Think of a website as an online brochure for your business.

Which is a great way to build exposure for your personal brand online

Plus it gives you the platform to stand out in your niche.

But like social media, it is not the place to blatantly promote the network marketing company or the product and service.

Instead it should be an opportunity to showcase your brand by creating content  that will piqué the attention of your ideal prospect.

Not only that, if you optimize your website well for Google, you might get free organic leads online.

2. Post to a blog.

Again, this is a social platform where you can get in front of the market and provide more value to your target market.

And build the Like, Know And Trust in YOU.

Plus, it’s easy to set up.

Simply install WordPress (Google loves this WordPress) and you’re good to go.

It may sound hard, but it isn’t.

There’s plenty of online resources (like Youtube) to show you how to set up a blog.

A great part about using a blog, it can bring free organic leads for your network marketing business.

To do that, you’ll need to know

– The keywords your target audience will look up online.

– Where they hang out online.

– The most questions asked.

Again, this brings back to the importance of understanding your TARGET AUDIENCE.

It makes it so much easier to create content and marketing that will grab their interest!

Once you have a collection of ideas and keywords, start punching out articles on those keywords.

A blog brings more power to your brand, and it can generate more opportunity!

3. Build an email list.

If you want a long term, sustainable business, start building an email list of your ideal prospects!

With an email list you can easily follow up and broadcast your latest blog posts, LIVE, events and offer.

The best thing is your email list belongs to you.

And when you couple it with a website and blog, you will have an automated system that will do all the heavy lifting , even when you are out at a basketball game or even when you sleep.

When you’re consistently providing solid content to your audience, you’re able to passively generate leads to your business on autopilot.

And one of the most effective ways to grow an email list is by having a compelling offer.

For example, a compelling offer can be in the form of a guide, a checklist, a webinar or even an ebook packed with information.

Information that can solve one problem your prospect is facing now.

In exchange for the information, they will give you their contact information, and you have a quality lead.

When they do sign up, you can continue to nurture the relationship.

What’s more, an email list allows you to promote your business and follow up.


4. Youtube.

Second biggest online search engine online.

So why not use videos to get your brand out there.

A great benefit of using video is, it lends your face and your voice to your brand.

Also, it can quickly establish a connection with your prospect.

And people love watching videos.

When you carefully optimize each video with a good title, description and a full url to your website, you can get indexed on both Google and Youtube search.

Helping you generate more free leads online to your business.

You could even use a Youtube style webinar as a compelling offer for your prospects to sign up to your email list too!

And if you hate writing, Youtube and videos (even, a podcast) are fantastic to get your message out. So why not get into video marketing and start driving traffic.

5. Use Social Media to drive traffic.

A fabulous source of traffic. From Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and more.

But if you’re new to the online space, choose one platform and get good at it.

By focusing your energy on one platform, you can really tweak the process to generate more leads for your business.

And the best place to start is …. Facebook.

The biggest player on Social Media, you can leverage it’s platform to expand your reach and help you build your brand.

Whether it is LIVE, video

You can use your personal Facebook profile, business page or group to kickstart the business.

But the biggest benefit is it’s advertising platform.

You can target a specific audience and retarget your message to people who have engaged on your page for as little as 2 bucks a day.

Here are 5 Essential Steps To Effectively Recruit On Social Media.


With that said …

By consistently showing up on Facebook, you can post content with value and drive traffic to your website … and to your email list!

Again, start building your email list today with a social platform.

But when it comes to traffic and lead generation, you need to know your specific audience.

And pour your energy into helping them … and grow your email list.

By demonstrating that you are placing them first with helpful content, you are going a long way to building a connection and a relationship with your audience.

Which can translate to more customers and new reps for your business.

This is how to generate leads for network marketing or frankly … any type of business.

Thanks for reading this!


Jason Ou 

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. 5 straight-forward ways to generate quality leads for your home business.

2. Why you should skip the time sucking mass marketing stuff and focus on a more specific audience for your business.


Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

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